Tuesday, April 22, 2008

December 21, 2012 -- The End?

Are you prepared for December 21, 2012?

Never before in history has there been a date so significant to so many governments and cultures, so many scientists and prophets, and so many people around the world.

Can anyone deny the signs of destruction that already are upon us?
...volcanic eruptions...
...tsunamis... warming...
...disregard for human life...
...human suffering...
...wars and rumors of wars...
...increased terrorism...
...increased nuclear threats...

And can anybody believe the following predictions and occurrences are coincidental?

The ancient Mayan calendar ends in 2012.

Hopi Indian tradition predicts a great purification of earth.

Nostradamus speaks of a devastating asteroid striking earth.

The Chinese I Ching predicts the end of history.

The Bible foretells a coming apocalypse.

The prophesies of St Malachy predict one more pope.

Edgar Cayce predicts the return of Atlantis.

Albert Einstein warns of a polar shift.

NASA confirms intense solar storms are coming.

Earth will complete its 26,000 year wobble.

Our sun will align with the plane of the Milky Way.

The time will soon be upon us when the earth can experience renewed enlightenment or a new beginning or will we all be witness to final destruction? It is up to us.


Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Jake.M said...

Yes the signs are all there that something BIG is coming, the amount of disasters that have hit us currently is actually a huge list if written on paper. If all these currents events don't jump start us into preparing for what may happen, then I don't know what will.

I entirely agree that it is 'on us'. Should 2012 be the end we cannot rely on the government for aid...simply because they will be unable to. We must be prepared.

Whether 2012 happens or not, it's best to be prepared.

Surely it is better to spend some time preparing than to dismiss it altogether. If you prepare and 2012 catastrophies happen, there is a chance of survival. If you didnt prepare at all….chances of survival would be very low.
I think those who don’t have survival experience would do well to learn some.
Start off with this short guide on How To Survive 2012 for key survival tips.

Really helped me, and I know nothing of survival.

I liked your post btw, short, to the point. The listing really does put things into perspective.