Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Countdown Begins

Well, just ten more therapy sessions and I'll be done with my EECP. While the results are not yet what I had hoped them to be, the angina has decreased in frequency, length and intensity. I haven't used nitroglycerin in at least a week. My stamina is generally better although I do take a short nap most days and I didn't before beginning EECP.

I had hoped I might have a complete absence of angina symptoms as I did for over two years on Dr. Wayne's medication regimen. I would definitely say so far EECP has been a success so far.


Anonymous said...

Have you discussed prolonging your EECP treatment an additional 10 sessions? I work for a clinic that does EECP in Portland. For our "late responders" we often extend their treatment to 45 sessions to maximize benefit. Most health insurance policies pay for this, but you might have to pay out of pocket for the additional visits - also, we have noticed that many of our patients notice improvement in the months following their EECP treatment. Good luck and good health to you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the information. I seem to feel better every day. I have also been told I may benefit from another 35 sessions in about a year. I appreciate the encouragement.