Friday, January 12, 2007

Dr. Andrew Chung, MD, PhD

Dr. Andrew B. Chung, MD, PhD, an invasive/noninterventional cardiologist practicing in Georgia, has invited all former patients of the late Dr. Wayne to the usenet newsgroup to receive his public comments about our experiences. Dr. Chung does a great deal of patient education via email and the Internet and is a good resource for any lay person about health related topics. The URL of his cardiology newsgroup is


Anonymous said...

Jeff you should do some research before you post anything by Dr Chung. He has a long history that can be accessed on the internet that includes having his two year Florida medical license declared null and void within 8 months of his arrival there and according to his former employer his employment contract was terminated. No explantions or details given. Then he went to Atlanta and opened his practice. The Georgia Dept of Health says he no longer has admitting privledges at any hopsitals in that state anymore either. In spite of his impressive educational credentials his lack of clinical success concerns me as it does many who post on the medical newsgroups he frequents. He spends an inordinate amount of time online arguing with people on more than one newsgroup. Do a search on his newsgroup posts.

Anonymous said...

this "DR" chung is a psychopath.
if you care about your health-do not listen to the fraud.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Chung is doing his best to tell the truth in a profession that depends on ignorance for profit.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I SO wish I had seen your comments earlier. They are very helpful!!